BettingPros App Refresh: A Winning Look to Match Winning Tools

You may have already noticed our refresh that went live a few weeks ago.

Not to be outdone, today we're happy to announce the BettingPros app has received a significant update as well.

This newest update brings an easier (and better looking) updated navigation menu and a number of new features to the app, including a Betting Summary front and center on the homepage.
Let's take a look.
New Look, Same Winning Tools
We've restructured the navigation a bit to make it easier to get around and to continue to make it easier for you to win.
In the Games tab, you can sort by the top matchups, games that are currently live, and those that you have wagers on.

And, of course, you can sort by individual sports or search for a specific matchup.
In the Picks Tab you'll find your favorite prop bet tools alongside a number of resources to help making finding the best bets easy.

Building Community: Connections & Following Feed
Discover top bettors and like-minded groups to follow and join.
Find other bettors and betting groups easily, including users on hot streaks. Then, use the Following Feed to find the best bets to tail from your communities. Climb the Leaderboard and win your bets along the way.

Prop Hit Rates
Get even more out of the Prop Bet Cheat Sheet by sorting by the prop hit rates.
Use the Over % and Under % to find the right balance between value and trend.

As a reminder, the Prop Bet Cheat Sheet can be found in the Picks Tab.
Bet Signals
Easily see how others are betting with Bet Signals. Compare the % of bets and the % of money to know where the crowd is betting, and where the sharps have their money.

Win More Bets Now
The latest BettingPros app update is out and available on the iOS App Store, and will be available on the Google Play Store soon.
Win more bets with the BettingPros app. Download (or update) today!